Sunday, October 27, 2013

Week 19: October 27th - November 3rd

Baby Weight: The baby is the size of a mango! About 6 inches and 8-10 ounces
Total weight gain/loss: According to my calculations, I have gained 15 lbs.
Belly radius: I just measured...39.5 inches and getting bigger!
Stretch marks? Still have some, in the same place. :(
Sleep: I keep waking up in the middle of the night with hip and leg pain. Not too fun, but I just have to keep rolling around from side to side to help alleviate the pain.
Best moment this week: When my husband gave me a foot and leg massage because my legs were hurting so much. He is the best!

Movement: I keep feeling the little one more and more. But it is still mostly at night and when I am in the car rocking out to my 90s music!
Miss Anything? Nope. This week I am feeling pretty good and very happy!
Food cravings: Still want pizza...always gonna want pizza!
Difficulties or changes: I do get out a breath a lot more when teaching or reading aloud to my kiddos. So I am taking a lot more breathing breaks during the day!

Have you started to show yet: See picture above...
Symptoms: This week I have leg cramps, back aches, and hip pain. My lower body is not liking the extra weight!
Wedding rings on or off? Still on, but my fingers are getting a little chunkier, so that may not be true for very much longer. 

Happy or moody: Happy, happy, happy. I am enjoying being pregnant!
Looking forward to: Finding out what they baby is... boy or girl! Tuesday we will find out!

Week 18: October 20th - October 26th

How far along? 18 weeks  
Baby Weight: Baby is the size of a sweet potato! Weighs about 6.7 ounces!
Total weight gain/loss: Don't know; didn't bother weighing myself recently.  
Maternity clothes? All the time! Wearing anything else is just simply uncomfortable!
Stretch marks? Yes, unfortunately. Not on belly, but in other places. Think north!
Sleep: Doing well with sleep. Sometimes it is hard to sleep, but not usually after a long day of work!
Best moment this week: Feeling the baby move around.  
Miss Anything? Being able to fit in my 'loose' sweat pants.  
Food cravings: Pizza. All the time. You want to make me happy, just give me a slice of pizza! Difficulties or changes: Reaching for things is difficult.I have to remember I am not as limber as I was before!
Have you started to show yet: Yes! I have been showing for a few weeks. I think I have a big kiddo in my belly. (Thanks, husband!)
Symptoms: My back does ache often. And let's be honest, my boobs hurt a little.
 Wedding rings on or off? Still on and fitting well!  
Happy or moody: Very happy right now!
Looking forward to: The next official ultrasound so I can see my little baby again!