Sunday, March 2, 2014

Week 37: March 2nd - March 8th

How far along? 37 weeks. Full Term...Technically!
Baby size: He is about 18-20 inches and can weigh from anywhere from 6 to 9 pounds.
Maternity clothes? Choices are getting slim these days! I still am preferring Taylor's t-shirts on the weekend. I keep buying yoga pants too cause they are more comfy than anything else (and they don't look too bad either!).
Stretch marks? I think I am adding more, but choosing not to look at the mirror to find out.
Sleep: I am able to sleep an hour at a time. Once an hour passes, by body wakes me up so I can use the restroom and then flip sides to sleep. I don't feel sleep deprived, so I am okay.
Best moment this week: Finishing up his room. Finally, all clothes and blankets are washed, put away and most things have a home. Man, who knew a baby needed so much stuff!
Miss Anything? Being able to grab something off the floor when I drop it. Oh, and not needing assistance when I go to the grocery store. But I appreciate the help the store offers to help mommys-to-be to their car. 
Movement: The past few days he has been moving like a wave in my belly. But it is still hilarious how when Taylor comes to see or touch he stops!
Food cravings: Still just wanting food. Though, I keep buying lots of fruit at the store.  Especially strawberries...yum!
Difficulties or changes: Getting up and out of chairs. Oh and walking up the stairs. I get totally winded.
Belly Button In or Out: Still in. hahahahahahaha! More like just flat, but not popping out.
Symptoms: Mostly swelling of the knees, feet and hands. Heartburn is back too!
Labor Signs: I occasionally get some tightening in the AM and late at night, but they are just braxton hicks contractions. Just my body getting ready for delivery.
Wedding Rings on of off? Off..
Happy or moody: Mostly happy, occasionally emotional. (I am gonna be a mommy!)
Baby project this week: Taylor just needs to set up the monitor and I need to learn how to work the co-sleeper!
Looking Forward to: Doctor appointment this week to see how he is progressing.

1 comment:

  1. We are getting more and more excited!! This post made me cry a little, I think I am having sympathy emotions. ;-) You are looking like an amazing mama! We love you guys so much and miss you lots.
