Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Week 35: February 16th - 22nd

How far along? 35 weeks!
Baby size: A honeydew melon. 
Maternity clothes? I've just been wearing the same thing over and over. My husband is making it a requirement that I wear my tennis shoes all the time. They help prevent my swelling. I guess I will follow his demand!
Stretch marks? Still there.
Sleep: Last week, I really started to sleep really, really well. Then last night hit and I had tons of heartburn and waking up all night. Hopefully, tonight will be a good night of the week.
Best moment this week: Taylor and I finally got all the baby stuff put together and the baby room actually looks ready to go! Oh, and I got to compare belly sizes with my friend, Bekah! I am bigger, by a little bit!
Miss Anything? My flexibility.
Movement: He has been moving  A LOT more than normal. I feel like he is trying to stretch out my belly a little further to make some more room.
Food cravings: Food, still wanting food. Though, the Funyions and Slurpee was really good yesterday!
Difficulties or changes: He sometimes pushes out really hard and makes my belly hard. It is really uncomfortable sometimes.
Belly Button In or Out: In, technically. Even though it is more just flat with the rest of my skin. 
Symptoms: Swelling, heartburn is back!
Labor Signs: None yet.
Wedding Rings on of off? Off.
Happy or moody:Happy. Who wouldn't have happy to have 4 days off with their hubby?!?
Baby project this week: I still need to pack my 'go bag.' I technically have everything ready to go into the bag, I just have to put it in the bag!
Looking Forward to: The baby shower my work friends are throwing me!

1 comment:

  1. You are looking so gorgeous!! I love that skirt on you!!
    Get your 'to go' bag packed. . . PLEASE. It will make me feel better. . .
    We are sending off a box today for Ethan. Did you get the other box for him?
    Miss and love you.
