Monday, February 10, 2014

Week 34: February 9th - 15th

How far along? 34 weeks!
Baby size: Roughly over 18 inches long and probably weighs around 5 or 6 pounds. The size of a butternut squash.
Maternity clothes? I bought another pair of jeans cause my other ones are not fitting too well around my swollen knees. But everything else is still fitting ok.
Stretch marks? Same ones, maybe a little longer, but I can't really tell. 
Sleep: The last two nights I have been able to go into a deep sleep during my hour sleep sessions. But I will take an hour of deep sleep over no sleep!
Best moment this week: Express Birthing Class! It was nice to get some facts about the birth and get some mysteries answered. I feel a little more comfortable about going into labor.
Miss Anything? Bacon, everyone around me can eat it...I still cannot. :(
Movement: This little guy loves messing with me. Days I expect him to move a lot, he does not, but days like today when I am at work I expect him to sleep and he does not. He is moving like crazy right now too!
Food cravings: Food, still just food. Though, Kami's Frito chili recipe tasted really good tonight!
Difficulties or changes: Picking things up. Fortunately, mom got me one of those cool grabbers to pick things up, I just need to attach it to my hip so I always have it!
Belly Button In or Out:!
Symptoms: Swollen Feet/Ankles...I think I scared Taylor tonight with my chunky feet.
Labor Signs: None yet...I do get some Braxton Hicks contractions when I do too much, but no labor signs.
Wedding Rings on of off? Off..
Happy or moody: Happy! I am quite nervous about bringing this little guy in the world, but very excited at the same time; especially after learning more about baby and birthing.
Baby project this week: Taylor and I will be meeting the pediatrician for our little guy. We are also going to be spending the weekend setting up/putting together the swing, bassinet and anything else that is not finished in the room.
Looking Forward to: Spending time with Taylor! We have 4 days off together. I am very excited.

1 comment:

  1. It made me cry that you had Frito pie! It was like I was there, and wasn't there, and I am reading this late. :-( FAIL!! I miss you guys so much!!
    I hope you 'three' enjoyed your time off together! :-)
    We all miss you so much! Da and Ni send their love as well. :-)
