Monday, March 17, 2014

Week 39: March 16th - 22nd

How far along?39 Weeks
Baby size: Watermelon
Maternity clothes? Tighter and tighter each day as my belly gets bigger and bigger. 
Stretch marks? I'm sure there are more but I don't care to try to look.
Sleep: On and off. Sitting up to sleep seems to be the best way!
Best moment this week: Watching friends and family freak out when they watch my little guy move in my belly. They all say he looks like an alien.
Miss Anything? Sleeping laying down and on my back. 
Movement: He still is moving. He has been causing some pelvic pains with his movements, especially on Tuesday. But the doctor says that is totally normal. I guess pains like having a knife shoved into you is normal...weird but okay.
Food cravings: Anything I can get my hands on.
Difficulties or changes: Moving around... it is getting a bit harder each day at work to get around.
Belly Button In or Out: In or flat.
Symptoms: Swelling.
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks for sure... Last Thursday I did have some minor contractions at night, but I think it was just cause I lacked water. They ended within an hour, so false labor!
Wedding Rings on of off? Off..
Happy or moody: Mostly happy, but with the sharp pains not so happy.
Baby project this week: Wait for him to come!
Looking Forward to: His arrival!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Week 38: March 9th - 15th

How far along? 38 week

Baby Size: He is the size of a PUMPKIN! 18-20 inches long, 6-9 pounds
Maternity clothes? this last week was Nevada Reading week, where teachers are essentially allowed to 'dress down.' So, I got to wear Taylor's t-shirts for most of the week! Woohoo! Pretty comfy. Thank goodness he has shirts my students can read for reading week!

Stretch marks? Same ones, I think. It is hard to look around these days!
Sleep: Some days really good, some days eh. All I really know is that he is getting pretty heavy, so it is hard to sit up when I need to get up. I think my arms are getting stronger though, I have to keep 'pushing up' at night. Haha.

Best moment this week: On Saturday, little guy was moving around all day! Literally. Everyone who was around me was able to feel him move. It was great!

Miss Anything? Being able to go out shopping without being extremely tired after the first store. 
Movement: Saturday there was lots. Every other day he moves during his typical times, when I am sitting for awhile and early AM and in the PM.

Food cravings: Burritos have been sounding good. :)

Difficulties or changes: Reaching my feet is still a problem. But today I did have a success...I was able to trim my toe nails all by myself! Woohoo!
Belly Button In or Out: In, but kind of coming out because my belly is getting soooooo big.

Symptoms: Swollen, swollen, swollen feet, ankles and knees. Heartburn is still an unwanted visitor daily. Oh and my belly is REALLY REALLY ITCHY! Not matter how much lotion or loose clothing I wear. My skin is stretched!
Labor Signs: I have been having a few Braxton Hicks contractions during the night, but I think it is because I sleep too long in one position (on those good sleeping nights) and my body gets annoyed. During the day, I still don't have them. 

Wedding Rings on of off? Off..

Happy or moody: Happy, but still emotional. I could cry at the drop of a hat. But very happy that I will get to meet our little guy very, very soon!
Baby project this week: Getting the dogs used to having 'baby stuff' around the house. They know something is changing, but have little idea that life is really gonna change soon!
Looking Forward to: Enjoying the next couple weeks with him in my belly.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Week 37: March 2nd - March 8th

How far along? 37 weeks. Full Term...Technically!
Baby size: He is about 18-20 inches and can weigh from anywhere from 6 to 9 pounds.
Maternity clothes? Choices are getting slim these days! I still am preferring Taylor's t-shirts on the weekend. I keep buying yoga pants too cause they are more comfy than anything else (and they don't look too bad either!).
Stretch marks? I think I am adding more, but choosing not to look at the mirror to find out.
Sleep: I am able to sleep an hour at a time. Once an hour passes, by body wakes me up so I can use the restroom and then flip sides to sleep. I don't feel sleep deprived, so I am okay.
Best moment this week: Finishing up his room. Finally, all clothes and blankets are washed, put away and most things have a home. Man, who knew a baby needed so much stuff!
Miss Anything? Being able to grab something off the floor when I drop it. Oh, and not needing assistance when I go to the grocery store. But I appreciate the help the store offers to help mommys-to-be to their car. 
Movement: The past few days he has been moving like a wave in my belly. But it is still hilarious how when Taylor comes to see or touch he stops!
Food cravings: Still just wanting food. Though, I keep buying lots of fruit at the store.  Especially strawberries...yum!
Difficulties or changes: Getting up and out of chairs. Oh and walking up the stairs. I get totally winded.
Belly Button In or Out: Still in. hahahahahahaha! More like just flat, but not popping out.
Symptoms: Mostly swelling of the knees, feet and hands. Heartburn is back too!
Labor Signs: I occasionally get some tightening in the AM and late at night, but they are just braxton hicks contractions. Just my body getting ready for delivery.
Wedding Rings on of off? Off..
Happy or moody: Mostly happy, occasionally emotional. (I am gonna be a mommy!)
Baby project this week: Taylor just needs to set up the monitor and I need to learn how to work the co-sleeper!
Looking Forward to: Doctor appointment this week to see how he is progressing.

Week 36: February 23rd - March 1st

Week 36:
Sorry everyone...I didn't post last week. Here is my picture from last week, but check Week 37 for the latest updates.