Monday, November 4, 2013

Week 20: November 3rd - 9th

How far along? 20 weeks
Baby Weight: Baby is about 12 ounces right now!
Total weight gain/loss: +15, but according to the doctor I have only gained 12 lbs, so let's go with that!
Belly radius: 41  inches around
Maternity clothes? Still enjoying those! But the best thing this week is finding comfy PJs...not maternity, but large enough for my belly!
Stretch marks? Same ones as before.
Sleep: I am starting to get back pain, which is causing me some issues sleeping. It also doesn't help that the dogs keep trying to lay on me at night. We definitely need to work on training the dogs to stay on the FLOOR!
Best moment this week: Finding out that our little one is a boy! He is going to be name Ethan Otis Allen Pulliam. We chose the name Ethan, just cause I loved that name and Taylor agreed to it. And we have Otis Allen to keep the family name going!

Miss Anything? Bacon, I really want some bacon.
He is moving around a little more. I am noticing that he moves a lot more about 10 - 15 minutes after I eat and late at night.

Food cravings: still pizza....all I want is pizza.
Difficulties or changes: I am still very tired. The 'experts' say that I should be less tired during the second trimester, but I am not feeling that. I could still go for an hour plus nap each day.
Gender Prediction: It's a boy! The ultrasound technician was able to find his little part.

Symptoms: I have noticed that my ankles are swelling a lot more during the day, but gone by the next morning. I am also getting some serious back aches. Not so much fun.
Wedding Rings on of off? Off! I technically could wear my ring, but by the end of the day it gets pretty difficult to take off, so I am not going to chance it anymore.
Happy or moody: Happy! Just don't play a sad song around me. If you do, you will see the tears flowing! (It happened in the car the other day!)
Baby project this week: Taylor and I are deciding what the baby room will be like. I think I am going with his pick of decoration, but sshhh...don't tell him yet. I want him to sweat it out for a bit. He! He!
Looking Forward to: Spending some more time with my husband and deciding what we need to do to get ready for this baby boy!

Doctor Appointment: This week I had my ultrasound showing us that it is a baby boy! The ultrasound technician was also able to tell us that the baby was about 5 1/2 inches long and about 12 ounces. She also looked at all his parts and said he is developing really well. The doctor also took a look at the the ultrasound and said everything is progressing nicely. Overall, good check up!

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