Monday, November 11, 2013

Week 21: November 10th - 16th

How far along? 21 weeks
Baby Weight: A pomegranate. Averaging 10.5 inches long and weighing just over a pound.
Total weight gain/loss: Not sure. I didn't weigh myself, again.
Belly radius: 42 inches around
Maternity clothes? Just bought some more long sleeve pregger shirts. So much more comfy!
Stretch marks? Same ones, no new ones. Yes!
Sleep: I have been waking up a lot in the middle of the night to turn to the other side and use the restroom, so not having many complete full sleeping nights.
Best moment this week: Taylor and I bought our little guy his first bibs. One says, "Handsome just like dad."

Miss Anything? I could really go for a Port of Subs sandwich right now.
Everyday he is moving a little more and more. He doesn't just move at night, he is a morning mover, mid-day mover and night mover.

Food cravings: Peanut M&Ms...I had to search for some at work before I could even start my day!
Difficulties or changes: Cleaning the house is not easy. I have had a pretty bad backache since I cleaned on Saturday. I guess I can't do as much as I used to!
Symptoms: Occasional swelling of hands, knees and feet and of course my backache.
Wedding Rings on of off? Completely off, not even trying to get it on again until after the baby.
Happy or moody: Very happy. I find myself laughing ... a lot. I have put myself into tears a lot this week by laughing so hard. 
Baby project this week: Start thinking about the registry. What to get? Thankfully, I have family and friends to help me with that.
Looking Forward to: Continuing to see my belly grow. At first it threw me off, but now I am just loving it!

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