Sunday, November 17, 2013

Week 22: November 17th - 23rd

How far along? 22 weeks
Baby Weight: A papaya. Weighing more than a pound and about 8 inches long.
Total weight gain/loss: +18
Belly radius: 42 inches around.
Maternity clothes?  I added a few more long sleeves to my wardrobe. Have to be ready for winter!
Stretch marks? Same. Still not on the belly.
Sleep: I keep getting up to go the bathroom. Only about 2-3 times a night.
Best moment this week: When I was able to have family feel the baby kick. It is fun to watch others feel it for the first time!
Miss Anything?No, not this week. I am pretty content.
Movement: The baby keeps moving more and more. The baby's strength seems the same, not kicking too much harder than normal.
Food cravings: I have been smelling (everywhere) and wanting french fries. I have been trying to resist as much as I can, but I did have a to give in the other day!
Difficulties or changes: It is starting to get difficult tying my shoes. I can still do it, but man it is becoming a struggle!
Symptoms: Severe back pain this week. Thanks to the doctor I found out it was because of gas, weird huh! But I took some GasX and started eating much slower and now my upper back pain is something of the past! Yeah!
Wedding Rings on of off? Off. 
Happy or moody: Still very happy...I keep laughing harder and harder every day. This baby makes me giggle!
Baby project this week: Umm...nothing for this week. I have so much going on! But I did do some research on child birth classes. Does that count?
Looking Forward to: Seeing my family in a couple weeks for Thanksgiving. Hopefully, the baby will be moving more so they can feel him.

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