Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Week 23: November 24th - 30th

How far along? 23 weeks
Baby size: Baby is the size of a grapefruit
Belly radius: 42 1/2 inches around.
Maternity clothes?  I continue to wear maternity. Though, I found that if I don't do laundry on a weekly basis I do run out of clothes to wear!
Stretch marks? No additional ones!
Sleep: My hips have been hurting a lot when I sleep, so still getting many interrupted nights. Also, I am still having to go the bathroom a lot at night!
Best moment this week: Registering at Babies R Us for the baby. I didn't realize how much stuff we need for the baby...no wonder people have baby showers! But it was a lot of fun picking out things for our little boy!
Miss Anything? I miss sleeping a full night through without having to go the bathroom.
Movement: He is still moving, but I noticed when I was stressed this week he moved not as much. So I need to make sure I relax during stressful situations/times.
Food cravings: Salad! All I wanted last week was salad and it was so good when I did have it!
Difficulties or changes: Tired, again. The first time I worked a five day week in a couple of weeks and I was pretty tired by the end.
Belly Button In or Out: It is still in, but pretty stretched.
Symptoms: I do have pressure every once in awhile in my belly, but I think that is little man just stretching out. This week has been pretty good though. Minor swelling of feet and knees, but no biggie.
Wedding Rings on of off? Off.
Happy or moody: I am pretty happy most of the time. Though, while registry for the baby, I heard a Christmas song and almost started crying right in the store. So, emotions are swinging!
Baby project this week: Registering for the baby, choosing the invitations for the baby shower. The baby shower will be January 25th!

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