Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Week 24 December 1st - 7th

How far along? 24 weeks
Baby size: Baby is as big as a cantaloupe.
Belly radius: 43 inches
Maternity clothes?  It is sad to say that a pair or maternity pants that I bought at the beginning of my pregnancy are a bit tight in the butt. My butt is getting huge!
Stretch marks? Keeping the same ones. Nothing new! Yeah!
Sleep: Still having a hard time getting through a whole night of sleep. I still get uncomfortable really easily!
Best moment this week: Taylor and I were sitting on the couch and he started talking and the baby moved. Then he started to rub my belly and talk and our little boy was kicking like crazy. He already knows his daddy's voice!
Miss Anything? The beer everyone was having at Thanksgiving looked good.
Movement: He is starting to kick hard. He is moving his kicks too...right now he is not kicking towards my belly, he is kicking towards my back! Not so comfy!
Food cravings: My mom's Thanksgiving food...especially the stuffing. It was so good! Still eating it!
Difficulties or changes: I am feeling pretty good this week. Not major difficulties.
Belly Button In or Out: Still stretched out innie!
Symptoms: Tired, very tired. But nothing major!
Wedding Rings on of off? Still off.
Happy or moody: I was not happy right before Thanksgiving. But then having several days off with my family put me back into a happy mood!
Baby project this week: Getting the baby room cleaned up to put in the crib. We have the crib downstairs in a box. Now we have to get it upstairs and put together!
Looking Forward to: Hearing what my family wants to do for the baby shower. I am such a lucky girl to have family that loves me...both near and far!

1 comment:

  1. Aunt Melissa~ You look beautiful, and E looks geat! I miss you, and can't to see you!
    Much love,
    D :-)
