Monday, December 9, 2013

Week 25: December 8th - 14th

How far along? 25 weeks

Baby size: Baby is big as an eggplant. The baby weights between 1.5 to 2.5 pounds.
Belly radius: 43 inches.  No change this week. I feel like I am getting bigger, but the tape measure says it isn't so!
Maternity clothes? When I go to the store these days I focus on trying to find more comfy pjs than anything else. I guess I need lots of comfort once I get home!
Stretch marks? Same additional ones.
Sleep: Well, the dogs keep waking me up at night to go out. I don't know what this is about but I always have to use the restroom too, so maybe they are just trying to help me out and keep me on track!
Best moment this week:  Talking to my little guy and him kicking in response to my questions.
Miss Anything? No. I am quite content this week. 
Movement: He keeps moving to different parts of my body to move. Sometimes he is kicking my back, sometimes he is kicking in front....sometimes downward :(. He isn't always doing strong kicks, but still moving!
Food cravings: Cookies. I can't get enough of Oreos and normally I don't even like them. But can't stop eating them!
Difficulties or changes: Picking up stuff off the floor. I am so glad I have fourth graders that are willing to help me out cause the amount of items I drop in a day is getting ridiculous and I simply cannot keep picking those items up!
Belly Button In or Out: Super stretched! I think it is going to pop out soon.
Symptoms: Severe back pain! Family and friends have offered remedies that I am trying. I hope it stops soon.
Wedding Rings on of off? Off, but Janet got me another ring to wear. Thanks, Janet.
Happy or moody: At work, I am very moody. The kiddos make me super angry and then ten minutes later I am laughing happily and then 5 minutes later super angry. I can't control it and I think my students think I am crazy!
Baby project this week: I met up with my family (mom, Jennie, Anita and Lisa) to talk about my baby shower. It is coming up fast, January 25th!
Looking Forward to: Christmas break...I just want to relax with my little guy.

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