Thursday, December 19, 2013

Week 26: December 15th - 21st

Hi Everyone,
Sorry for the late post, but this last week has been very difficult. I have been having severe back pain and was practically unable to walk. I ended up missing a few days of work and then landed myself in the hospital on Friday, 12/13. At the hospital, they ran tests on my kidneys and bladder thinking it was an infection or stones, but they found nothing. My white blood cell count was high, so they assumed that I was starting an infection so some sort. They gave my antibiotics through my IV, but while this was happening I did start having contractions. They gave me some medicine to stop the contractions, which was successful. The doctor believes that the contractions started because my body was in so much pain that my uterus became irritated and started contracting. However, I wasn't going into labor and I am still not likely to go into labor early.
    They did send me home Friday night with antibiotics and pain medication. I am not longer taking the pain medication because my back is feeling much, much better. I am finishing my antibiotics, which seem to be working well. So, I am definitely getting better.
    During this entire time, Ethan had no issues. They monitored him too and he was having a good time avoiding the monitor by swimming back and forth in my belly. (I could hear him swish back and forth). He was been moving like crazy since I have been hope and kicking pretty strong. So, I know he is doing well!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that I called you after this happened, and I am glad that you and Ethan are doing well! :-) Love you guys!
