Sunday, December 22, 2013

Week 27th: December 22nd - 28th

How far along? 27 weeks - Starting the Third Trimester Today!
Baby size: Baby is now 13.6 to 14.8 inches long and 1.5 to 2.5 pounds!
Maternity clothes? Some of the pants I bought at the beginning of pregnancy are really starting to get tight in my 'butt' area. So, I have just been wearing large PJs to stay comfy. I will worry about my pants when I go back to work in January!
Stretch marks? Unfortunately, I have some new stretch marks on my hips. Boooo!
Sleep: I have been taking some really great and very needed naps lately. They have helped me feel better. During the night, I still get up every couple of hours to use the restroom. I am pretty much used to it!
Best moment this week: Feeling better! I am happy to say by Thursday I started feeling more like myself and today I feel nearly at 100%.
Miss Anything? Being able to take anything (medication) to help me get better. My healing process is a little longer because I have to been extra careful for my baby boy. 
Movement: During the week, he has been moving quite a bit, especially when I am relaxing. Yesterday and today he hasn't moved so much, but maybe he just tired himself out this week.
Food cravings:Popcorn and Cocoa... yes, this is odd, but so good!
Difficulties or changes: Obviously, my back and infection. But they are getting better!
Belly Button In or Out: Still in...YES! Taylor thinks Ethan is going to kick it out any day now, but I think my little boy is going to let me keep it as a innie for a few more weeks!
Labor Signs: This week...nope!
Wedding Rings on of off? Off
Happy or moody: I am slowly moving from moody to happy. I have totally been moody because of the pain, but really trying to be happy for the holidays!
Baby project this week: Taylor and my dad got the baby crib put together and my glider! So exciting to start seeing the room come together. I hope to do some organization in there this week to get some of the outfits we already received washed and put away! Also, got the baby shower invitations. They should be sent out soon!

BIG THANKS! I just want to say thank you to everyone that helped and thought of me and Ethan last week and this week. We are doing much better!

1 comment:

  1. Melissa, I'm so glad you are feeling better. You look great and can't wait for the day when we get to meet little Ethan! Take care and we love all 3 of you!
