Sunday, December 29, 2013

Week 28: December 29th - January 4th

How far along? 28 weeks
Baby size: Baby is as big an eggplant. 
Maternity clothes? I am still on winter break, so it is still mostly PJs!
Stretch marks? No new ones from last week!
Sleep: Early in the night, I am able to sleep well. But soon I must use the restroom and there goes my sleep! Also, my husband has not been helping lately... Mr. Super Snorer! He wakes me up so easily these days with his loud noise!
Best moment this week: Seeing my little guy on the ultrasound! Strong heartbeat and very active! He was hiding from the 'camera' during the session, but we got a few good pics.
Miss Anything? Putting on my shoes with ease. It is getting to be more and more of a challenge getting my shoes on and tying them. Looks like slip-ons will be my new fashion trend. 
Movement: Yes. Little man has been doing A LOT of stretching lately. He slowly pushes against my belly and I can not only feel, but also see him move. Also, Uncle Matthew finally felt him kick...Ethan gave him a good one too!
Food cravings: I have been enjoying my Christmas dinner for every meal this past week...ham, stuffing and mashed potatoes! Mmmm...
Difficulties or changes: My stomach is very hard and when I want to laugh it really kind of hurts because my belly get even tighter. So, I need to start controlling my laughs...maybe try laughing in my head?!?
Belly Button In or Out: Haha! It is still in! Ethan hasn't kicked it out yet!
Symptoms: I get the occasional backache with the more movement that I do. I get very tired as well, very quickly. But other than than...pretty darn good!
Labor Signs: None yet.
Wedding Rings on of off? Off..but still wearing a ring.
Happy or moody: Unfortunately for Taylor, I have been getting pretty cranky very quickly (especially when he is driving). One second I am happy as can be and then I just want to punch him. Not his fault...hormones!
Baby project this week: Organizing the baby room!
Looking Forward to: My baby shower in the next few weeks! Can't wait!

Ultrasound Pics:


  1. Awww, look how precious! Looks like he may have those full lips like his grandpa had. Wish we were there to feel him kick. Love you guys!

  2. He is so HANDSOME!! I can't wait to hold him!! :-)
