Monday, January 27, 2014

32 Weeks: January 26th - February 1st

How far along? 32 weeks and 8 months pregnant!
Baby size: A squash. He's about 16-17 inches and weighs 3.75 to 4 pounds!
Maternity clothes? Same clothes...fitting pretty snug.
Stretch marks? In the same areas, but I think I have added a little more.
Sleep: I haven't been getting a lot of sleep. I wake up a lot for the bathroom, but also for my heartburn. He is giving me A LOT of heartburn at night. So, sleep is not consistent at all.
Best moment this week: My baby shower! Thank you to all the family and friends that were there, you made the day special. And thank you to all the friends and family that couldn't be there, but sent their wishes and love to me and Ethan!
Miss Anything? I miss being able to easily reach down and grab anything I have dropped. 
Movement:  When he moves, he moves a lot. It is a lot of stretching and he started doing a few kicks again here and there. I think he is trying to stretch out my belly to make more room.
Food cravings: Just my mother said today, "Food just makes you happy, doesn't it?" And yes, it does make me happy.
Difficulties or changes: SWOLLEN HANDS AND FEET that won't go down. My right ankle does hurt a little too from all the swelling, but hopefully a few hours of putting my feet up will help.
Belly Button In or Out:Totally In! Even though Taylor tried to pop it out today with his hand!
Symptoms: Very, very, very, very tired. And I guess I am starting to waddle.
Labor Signs: None yet.
Wedding Rings on of off? Off..
Happy or moody: Mostly happy, but I have my moments still where the tears just fall. Not always because I am sad, but also because I am just so happy.
Baby project this week: Sorting through the baby shower gifts and finding everything a home in his room.
Looking Forward to: Spending some time with my hubby and just enjoy the thought of becoming parents and what the future will hold!

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