Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Week 31: January 19th - 25th

How far along? 31 weeks
Baby size: A pineapple.
Maternity clothes? I did get a few long skirts to be more comfortable, but everything still fits.
Stretch marks? Same!
Sleep: When I go to work, I sleep very well at night. But when it is the weekend, my mind and body stay up for a party! But no matter what day it is, I still get up every 2 hours or so to go to the bathroom and guzzle down water.
Best moment this week: Breast feeding class! I know it sounds weird, but I was able to learn so much about it and feel comfortable breast feeding when he comes.
Miss Anything? Looking skinny...I know very shallow, but I found pictures of my 'old self' recently and I didn't have such a chubby face like I do now. I know it is for my little guy, but I just miss my skinniness. 
Movement: Well, I believe from Friday night into Saturday morning he grew like a pound cause it was so hard to turn from one side to the other when I lay down since then. He keeps moving his slow stretches with an occasional punch or kick.
Food cravings: I have really been wanting a lot of Dr. Pepper lately. I don't know if it is cause I am so tired and that is usually what gets me going, but I just want it. I try to resist or only drink small amounts.
Difficulties or changes: Breathing! I get so winded from just the simplest walking up the stairs or picking up something off the floor. It is ridiculous!
Belly Button In or Out: It is still IN! I even had Taylor put his finger in my belly button to prove that it is still in. I don't know for how much longer, but it is still IN!
Symptoms: My hands are so swollen and my feet get occasionally swollen (mostly after work)
Labor Signs: None yet.
Wedding Rings on of off? Off..
Happy or moody: I go back and forth. I am a lot more emotional lately, everything seems to make me cry.  
Looking Forward to: My baby shower this weekend! I am so excited!

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