Monday, January 13, 2014

Week 30: January 12th - 18th

How far along? 30 weeks
Baby size: A cucumber. He's about 15.7" long and weighs about 3 pounds.
Maternity clothes? My maternity work pants still do fit! Woohoo! That means my butt hasn't got any bigger...finally!
Stretch marks? I found some more on my hips this week. Darn!
Sleep: I have been sleeping really well with going back to work. I still get up often to use the restroom, but I am so tired that I don't have trouble going back to sleep...unless I have heartburn and then it is a challenge.
Best moment this week: I showed my students the 3D photos of the baby and they say he looks just me! (They even looked at Taylor's photo and said the baby still looks like me!)
Miss Anything? Sleeping on my belly.
Movement:He is still doing his slow stretches and pushing out when I place my hands on my belly. But he still won't move for anyone when they touch my belly. He is already a mommas boy!
Food cravings: None really, I just want to eat a lot. Anything will do.
Difficulties or changes: I sometimes have difficulty putting my legs into my pants. I can get the first one, but the second one can be challenging...especially at the end of the day when I change into my PJs.
Belly Button In or Out: Still totally IN! Haha!
Symptoms: Can anyone say cankles? My feet have been severely swelling since I have been back to work. I also have noticed that my knees and hands are getting a little swollen.
Labor Signs: None yet.
Wedding Rings on of off? Off, but wearing a ring.
Happy or moody: Happy, but tired.
Baby project this week: Ummm...I suck this week. Going back to work made me really tired, so I haven't done anything. Hopefully, this weekend Taylor and I can do some decorating in the baby room.
Looking Forward to: The Baby Basics class Taylor and I signed up for. It has been awhile since he and I have been around a baby, so we hope this class will give us some much needed review!

1 comment:

  1. You are absolutely glowing! You look AMAZING!! I can't wait to visit! :-)
    Watch out for the swelling. :-(
