Sunday, December 29, 2013

Week 28: December 29th - January 4th

How far along? 28 weeks
Baby size: Baby is as big an eggplant. 
Maternity clothes? I am still on winter break, so it is still mostly PJs!
Stretch marks? No new ones from last week!
Sleep: Early in the night, I am able to sleep well. But soon I must use the restroom and there goes my sleep! Also, my husband has not been helping lately... Mr. Super Snorer! He wakes me up so easily these days with his loud noise!
Best moment this week: Seeing my little guy on the ultrasound! Strong heartbeat and very active! He was hiding from the 'camera' during the session, but we got a few good pics.
Miss Anything? Putting on my shoes with ease. It is getting to be more and more of a challenge getting my shoes on and tying them. Looks like slip-ons will be my new fashion trend. 
Movement: Yes. Little man has been doing A LOT of stretching lately. He slowly pushes against my belly and I can not only feel, but also see him move. Also, Uncle Matthew finally felt him kick...Ethan gave him a good one too!
Food cravings: I have been enjoying my Christmas dinner for every meal this past week...ham, stuffing and mashed potatoes! Mmmm...
Difficulties or changes: My stomach is very hard and when I want to laugh it really kind of hurts because my belly get even tighter. So, I need to start controlling my laughs...maybe try laughing in my head?!?
Belly Button In or Out: Haha! It is still in! Ethan hasn't kicked it out yet!
Symptoms: I get the occasional backache with the more movement that I do. I get very tired as well, very quickly. But other than than...pretty darn good!
Labor Signs: None yet.
Wedding Rings on of off? Off..but still wearing a ring.
Happy or moody: Unfortunately for Taylor, I have been getting pretty cranky very quickly (especially when he is driving). One second I am happy as can be and then I just want to punch him. Not his fault...hormones!
Baby project this week: Organizing the baby room!
Looking Forward to: My baby shower in the next few weeks! Can't wait!

Ultrasound Pics:

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Week 27th: December 22nd - 28th

How far along? 27 weeks - Starting the Third Trimester Today!
Baby size: Baby is now 13.6 to 14.8 inches long and 1.5 to 2.5 pounds!
Maternity clothes? Some of the pants I bought at the beginning of pregnancy are really starting to get tight in my 'butt' area. So, I have just been wearing large PJs to stay comfy. I will worry about my pants when I go back to work in January!
Stretch marks? Unfortunately, I have some new stretch marks on my hips. Boooo!
Sleep: I have been taking some really great and very needed naps lately. They have helped me feel better. During the night, I still get up every couple of hours to use the restroom. I am pretty much used to it!
Best moment this week: Feeling better! I am happy to say by Thursday I started feeling more like myself and today I feel nearly at 100%.
Miss Anything? Being able to take anything (medication) to help me get better. My healing process is a little longer because I have to been extra careful for my baby boy. 
Movement: During the week, he has been moving quite a bit, especially when I am relaxing. Yesterday and today he hasn't moved so much, but maybe he just tired himself out this week.
Food cravings:Popcorn and Cocoa... yes, this is odd, but so good!
Difficulties or changes: Obviously, my back and infection. But they are getting better!
Belly Button In or Out: Still in...YES! Taylor thinks Ethan is going to kick it out any day now, but I think my little boy is going to let me keep it as a innie for a few more weeks!
Labor Signs: This week...nope!
Wedding Rings on of off? Off
Happy or moody: I am slowly moving from moody to happy. I have totally been moody because of the pain, but really trying to be happy for the holidays!
Baby project this week: Taylor and my dad got the baby crib put together and my glider! So exciting to start seeing the room come together. I hope to do some organization in there this week to get some of the outfits we already received washed and put away! Also, got the baby shower invitations. They should be sent out soon!

BIG THANKS! I just want to say thank you to everyone that helped and thought of me and Ethan last week and this week. We are doing much better!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Week 26: December 15th - 21st

Hi Everyone,
Sorry for the late post, but this last week has been very difficult. I have been having severe back pain and was practically unable to walk. I ended up missing a few days of work and then landed myself in the hospital on Friday, 12/13. At the hospital, they ran tests on my kidneys and bladder thinking it was an infection or stones, but they found nothing. My white blood cell count was high, so they assumed that I was starting an infection so some sort. They gave my antibiotics through my IV, but while this was happening I did start having contractions. They gave me some medicine to stop the contractions, which was successful. The doctor believes that the contractions started because my body was in so much pain that my uterus became irritated and started contracting. However, I wasn't going into labor and I am still not likely to go into labor early.
    They did send me home Friday night with antibiotics and pain medication. I am not longer taking the pain medication because my back is feeling much, much better. I am finishing my antibiotics, which seem to be working well. So, I am definitely getting better.
    During this entire time, Ethan had no issues. They monitored him too and he was having a good time avoiding the monitor by swimming back and forth in my belly. (I could hear him swish back and forth). He was been moving like crazy since I have been hope and kicking pretty strong. So, I know he is doing well!

Monday, December 9, 2013

Week 25: December 8th - 14th

How far along? 25 weeks

Baby size: Baby is big as an eggplant. The baby weights between 1.5 to 2.5 pounds.
Belly radius: 43 inches.  No change this week. I feel like I am getting bigger, but the tape measure says it isn't so!
Maternity clothes? When I go to the store these days I focus on trying to find more comfy pjs than anything else. I guess I need lots of comfort once I get home!
Stretch marks? Same additional ones.
Sleep: Well, the dogs keep waking me up at night to go out. I don't know what this is about but I always have to use the restroom too, so maybe they are just trying to help me out and keep me on track!
Best moment this week:  Talking to my little guy and him kicking in response to my questions.
Miss Anything? No. I am quite content this week. 
Movement: He keeps moving to different parts of my body to move. Sometimes he is kicking my back, sometimes he is kicking in front....sometimes downward :(. He isn't always doing strong kicks, but still moving!
Food cravings: Cookies. I can't get enough of Oreos and normally I don't even like them. But can't stop eating them!
Difficulties or changes: Picking up stuff off the floor. I am so glad I have fourth graders that are willing to help me out cause the amount of items I drop in a day is getting ridiculous and I simply cannot keep picking those items up!
Belly Button In or Out: Super stretched! I think it is going to pop out soon.
Symptoms: Severe back pain! Family and friends have offered remedies that I am trying. I hope it stops soon.
Wedding Rings on of off? Off, but Janet got me another ring to wear. Thanks, Janet.
Happy or moody: At work, I am very moody. The kiddos make me super angry and then ten minutes later I am laughing happily and then 5 minutes later super angry. I can't control it and I think my students think I am crazy!
Baby project this week: I met up with my family (mom, Jennie, Anita and Lisa) to talk about my baby shower. It is coming up fast, January 25th!
Looking Forward to: Christmas break...I just want to relax with my little guy.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Week 24 December 1st - 7th

How far along? 24 weeks
Baby size: Baby is as big as a cantaloupe.
Belly radius: 43 inches
Maternity clothes?  It is sad to say that a pair or maternity pants that I bought at the beginning of my pregnancy are a bit tight in the butt. My butt is getting huge!
Stretch marks? Keeping the same ones. Nothing new! Yeah!
Sleep: Still having a hard time getting through a whole night of sleep. I still get uncomfortable really easily!
Best moment this week: Taylor and I were sitting on the couch and he started talking and the baby moved. Then he started to rub my belly and talk and our little boy was kicking like crazy. He already knows his daddy's voice!
Miss Anything? The beer everyone was having at Thanksgiving looked good.
Movement: He is starting to kick hard. He is moving his kicks too...right now he is not kicking towards my belly, he is kicking towards my back! Not so comfy!
Food cravings: My mom's Thanksgiving food...especially the stuffing. It was so good! Still eating it!
Difficulties or changes: I am feeling pretty good this week. Not major difficulties.
Belly Button In or Out: Still stretched out innie!
Symptoms: Tired, very tired. But nothing major!
Wedding Rings on of off? Still off.
Happy or moody: I was not happy right before Thanksgiving. But then having several days off with my family put me back into a happy mood!
Baby project this week: Getting the baby room cleaned up to put in the crib. We have the crib downstairs in a box. Now we have to get it upstairs and put together!
Looking Forward to: Hearing what my family wants to do for the baby shower. I am such a lucky girl to have family that loves me...both near and far!